Thursday 25 September 2014

Week three

Ty Week Three - Carlingford

This week in Ty all three classes went on'route to Carlingford Adventure Center in county Louth. 

We all set out early on Monday Morning. Although we were only staying for one night the amount of things we brought was crazy, Not even to mention the amount of sweets we all had. I say in total my room spent almost hundred euro on food. 

The first thing we did when we arrived was arrange the rooms that we were staying in and put our bags in. Then it was straight into activities. 

Our first activity was canoeing, but before we could get on the water we all had to put on cold, wet and smelly wetsuits followed by a life-vest and a helmet, as you can imagine first thing Monday morning we were not impressed. But as soon as we all got out there we really enjoyed it. The Instructors had 3 canoes tied together and we all had to paddle over to opposite shore. 

When we got back to the center we all got cleaned and went down for lunch, which wasn't the nicest thing I've ever eaten but when you're hungry almost anything will do. 

We were then aloud walk around the town for an hour. 

After we we're all back and ready for our next activity my group went up to do the challenges, most were boring and frustrating such as the one where we had to move a ping-pong ball around a course using half a pipe each. One of the activities that i enjoyed was a small rope obstacle course, which involved tightrope walking and climbing over hanging tires.I was meant to make sure that one of the girls, Megan, didn't fall while she was doing it but of course she ended up right on her back, lucky for me she forgave me after:))

 But my Favorite one  Was the 3D maze where all our team crawled into a tight tunnel and were told to find our way out by climbing up and down. It was already quite claustrophobic  when we first entered then the lights were turned off. So only could we not stand/sit properly we couldn't see either, And to just make it just that little bit harder we only had half an hour to do it, before we went in it sounded like way too much time, but time flew and none of us made it out.

That evening after dinner we all set out on a night-line up the mountain. For this we all had to be blindfolded and only use the person infront of us and a rope that was tie around trees. I dont think anyone didnt fall during that. Walking back, for me, was actually better than the activity itself. We took the long way home and had a great view of the bay at night. For some reason everyone was just really hyper and just made fools of ourselves.

The night could just be summed up by just saying food. The amount we had was actually sickening and never mind the Chinese. Before we went into our rooms for the night, there was a small disco up in one of the common rooms with the other schools, but only our school were the ones putting on songs and dancing, which wasnt a bad thing.    

The next morning we we're all up really early again and had to clean the room, 11 girls in one room for one night says it all. The room looked like we were there for 3 weeks. We got dressed and had breakfast before going out to do kayaking, same as before we all got into wetsuits again but this time even more reluctant as everyone was twice as tired than the day before. I really enjoyed this activity. We all paddled out to a big trampoline in the middle of the water where we got to jump on it then off into the water. 

Our final activity was by far my favorite. we all got changed into jumpsuits that had an army print on it and used paint to put black stripes on our faces. Sarah brought a speaker and we all sang while we walked back up the mountain, everyone was really excited. When we reached where we were meant to go, we all got handed a laser gun and head band. Being the biggest group of competitive people, it wasnt going to be a slow and boring game. we started off when each team just had to try kill everyone else on the opposite one, you had to get shot 30 times to be killed. We played a few games of this before we introduced 'the data box' This was a similar game to capture the flag except you had to download the data and upload it to your base. This got frustrating after a while so for the last few games we just played the original game again.

Everyone was in such a good mood on the way back to the center after lasertag,But no one released how drained they were untill we all got on the bus. Sophie and I had so much food left over and energy drinks so we were sorted for the journey home.

If I could i would love to do those two days again.